Thursday, May 23, 2019

RockStar Going Down and other titles.

It's the eve before my release and time for everything to go wrong. Honestly, that used to be my story. These days I save my stress to sweat the larger things.

So let's talk titles. Most authors agonize over blurbs but not me. It's the title that kills me. It's the first thing that grabs your attention and draws you in. The nearly naked man on the cover helps.
I like my titles to have more than one meaning, too. The entire Circle of Sanity series revolves around the word Sanity. It doesn't mean what you might initially think it means. It's capitalized on purpose and you have to read book one or four to understand why.

So here is my pre-release nugget the "S" in Rockstar is capitalized with intent, too. There is more than one star in the book. So, when I paired my Rockstar with a Star I got RockStar. Don't get me started on all the ways the pair are going down.

My next series the Fisher Men took forever. My original plan was along the lines of Hooks, Lines, Sunk. To keep that order would make a terrible mismatch with the story inside not to mention it has four books in the series. I did a google search on fishing terms, but nothing screamed "sexy."

I finally decided to use pictures in place of words. Each book cover can be read more than one way and each way would make sense. Sadly, I can't use pictures on ISBN and ASIN numbered titles so I had to pick one but I can't wait for my readers to see all of the other meanings.

Until next time,
Rebel Nicks O'Dey

Friday, May 3, 2019

Shh! I'm writing.

Please don't be quiet. I need the television on, the music playing, or maybe I just need to be on a crowded bus or train. I've had several careers most of them involved crazy feats in "multi-tasking."
I started as an I.T. professional who had to simultaneously monitor sixteen monitors in addition to my own work. Next, I clerked for a judge where I entered the minutes of one case while listening to the next. A few stops later I became a 911 operator. I listened to the fire band, the police band, and a hysterical caller answering everyone's questions simultaneously. Now, I can't concentrate without noise.
I am aware of how in the minority I am on this matter, but bring on the chaos and watch me smile. Amidst the chaos, a few books are emerging. I release Rockstar Going Down at the end of this month. At the end of June, I will be releasing the first Fisher Men book (cups my cheeks and screams Home Alone style). I have settled on names and covers and I can't wait to share them with you.
Book I. is X My Heart,
Book II. Xing Lines,
Book III. On the X. and
Book IV. is The X Factor.
My next series is the Sextually Ever After Series. I broke my wrist last summer and wrote two books on the Microsoft Word App on my phone as it was easier to type one-handed. The problem was the auto-correct on my phone kept correcting what it thinks I mean. I created titles and basic story ideas for some of my favorite fails. Each book will have a meet-cute that happens after a technology mishap. The titles are:
Rock Hard Clock,
Kiss my Click, and
Ducking Brilliant.
I admit, my previous career choices have made me the type of person who thrives under pressure. So, not only have I taken on way more than I can chew, but I also started writing a Young Adult Fantasy series. I know what you're thinking, but Rebel you don't write YA Fantasy? You would be correct, but this story has been simmering in my head for years and my younger kids asked me to write something that they can read, so I jumped into my world building. It's an Outlander meets Host with a whole other twist to it. I won't get into the details but I'll need a new pen name for that one. I'm open to suggestions.
This concludes your exclusive peek at the Rebel Insider.
Stay tuned for our next episode.
Rebel Nicks O'Dey

Trigger Warnings. Let's talk about it.

Let’s talk about it. After the release of Fisher Men X my <3, something was brought to my attention. I have a trigger warning in th...